Saturday, September 18, 2010

Strucked by Angels

the little nurse
If the previous weeks were full of intrigues, this week is all about dealing under pressure, learning the hard way and finding my way back home.  Yeah, the other weeks might have been tough for me and my twin sister but we're learning to be stronger.  So now, we're living life the way we see it.  We're too tired to cry, too exhausted to hear false rumors about us and too worn out to please everybody.  So yes, it's hard but we're getting there.

The week started with me on duty at the Pediatric Ward and well, it ended with me having once-in-a-lifetime first encounters of the Emergency Room and the Mangyan Ward.  What can I say? I'm learning but I still have a long way ahead of me.

I really love kids. Actually, I've always envisioned myself as a Pediatric Nurse someday. However, when I had to actually deal with these tiny beings, I felt somehow that Pediatrics might not be my thing.  Common, kids can be such pains in the ass.  They can really cry upon seeing medical people.  They can really take much time of nurses when they need to have intravenous lines.  They are young, carefree and innocent.  They are kids and while they can be hard to deal with sometimes, their smiles mean a lot.  Hence, they are one of the few who can put lighter notes in the music of my soulful life.  They are my little angels and no matter how loud their cries are or how irritating they can be, they are still cute, little beings who bring joy to our lives..

So now, I'm still considering the Pediatric Nursing field and yes,  goodbye blog for now, hello Pediatric Ward!  Tata.

Maica Angelle

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