Monday, October 18, 2010

Marking My Way Through Nursing

I had my first operation when I was nine.  It was performed in the emergency room of a local hospital in our province in front of bystanders, patients, and the rest of the health care team of that institution.  Yeah, I was that popular and so were my ugly warts that were removed.  It was bad ass.

I cannot remember what exactly happened but I had some visions of a small room, lots of people, and a nurse beside me.  (The doctor did not allow me to look at him, the needles and the equipment that burned my warts so I cannot remember those.) I could even hear some people say: “Grabe, ang sakit naman nyan.” Translate: “Ouch, that seems so painful.  

However, I can still remember the stinging sensation that the local anesthesia brought when it was injected onto my warts.  Back then, I could barely feel my legs because those were numb from the anesthetics.  I could also feel the fire coming from the doctor’s equipment burning my skin.  It was so painful but I didn’t cry, scream or made a scene.  I was that brave, huh?  Not really, I just had a nurse beside me who lent her helping hand.  Could I have made it without her?  I do not really think so.  Without her, I could have opted to go home, cry and look at my warts for the rest of my life.  Without her, I could have looked like a bratty little girl who cannot endure a common medical procedure.  Without her, I could have not have made it.

I only had my warts removed that day.  Little did I know that  the memory of that moment will be a significant one in my journey throughout my chosen profession.  It is not exactly comparable to the day Spiderman got bitten by a spider and acquired his super powers or the night Harry Potter discovered that he is a famous wizard.  It’s just the  time when Maica Angelle felt the warmth and care that only a nurse can bring.

Needless to say, the operation left a mark on my life.  Nowadays, the statement 'What are those things in your legs? ' is nothing new to me.  While these scars make my legs ugly, these strengthen my grip on nursing.  Thus, as I make my own mark in the nursing field, I can envision the image of a beautiful nurse holding my hand and giving me the strength to go on.

Anyway, I want to share a nice video clip about nursing.  This video made me laugh, cry and love my profession even more.  It's nice to see some clip reminding me of the reason why I chose this humbling profession after all.

Maica Angelle

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